Travel Blog
Vernissage is one of the first places you would be interested in visiting if you travel to Armenia. It is a large open-air exhibition-market in Yerevan, Armenia, but it reminds more of a museum of a collection of different types of traditional Armenian art works expressed in all of its colors and styles. The name of the market is the French word “vernissage” which means exhibition.
Vernisagge was formed during the 1980s by Armenian artists who needed to display their artworks. The exhibition-market was gradually enlarged and now stretches from Hanrapetutyun street to the Khanjyan street. If you travel to Armenia, during your visit to Yerevan find ten minutes to take a walk from the Republic square metro station to the statue of Vardan Mamikonyan, you will want to spend hours in Vernisagge.
If you are looking for a special or a unique present for your family and friends, Vernisagge has a big variety of interesting pieces. Here you can find Armenian musical instruments made of wood, called Duduk. The masters usually play Duduk for the tourists and visitors to show them the clear and pure sound of the traditional instrument, so if you are in Vernisagge you have a chance to be present on a live concert, see an art exhibition and shop at the same time!
There are also many different kinds of clay jugs, carpets with traditional patterns, old collections of coins of different times. But the most beautiful and unique product is handmade jewelry. There are necklaces, earrings made of live flowers put inside a glass covering, bags and wallets made of colored leather, medallions, books, electronics and even pets.
Artworks and paintings are a separate part of all this. They are making the exhibition more colorful and bright. Every corner is expressing Armenian warm and chummy spirit.
Vernisagge is a masterpiece itself and is one of the main places people like to visit during the tours in Armenia. Don’t forget to explore it while you are in Armenia.